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All information on this website is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or a solicitation for investment. "" is not associated with Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) or any other division of the Government of Canada in any way. The official IRCC website can be located here.

We assume zero liability for how the information on this website is used or interpreted and hence take no responsibility for any decisions that you make with regards to your application based on the information on this website. Before acting, or failing to act, based on any of this website’s information, always obtain a professional opinion from a qualified professional as mentioned on the IRCC website.

Blogs/articles that do not offer a link to an official authority in the matter constitute as personal opinion or views and hence must be treated accordingly.

Canadian immigration laws and rules are constantly evolving. We do our best to keep this website as timely and up-to-date as possible, but please be aware that the information contained herein may not be accurate.

This is a blogging website and some of the content may not be an original creation. It may have been compiled or shared from links and posts on social media. If any of the content belongs to you or is in violation of your copyright, or if you wish to be credited for it, then please get in touch with us and we will make the necessary changes.

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